Musi Chien

I'm a


About Me

I'm Musi Chien and

Hi! My name is Musi Chien. I believe, as Nietzsche once said, that the salvation of life is found in music. However, classical music often feels confined behind barriers. I aspire to share classical music with everyone in a live setting, breaking down those barriers.


Exquisite Offerings

  • Violin Magic

    Let Musichien serenade you with enchanting violin melodies. From classical masterpieces to your favorite tunes, I've got your musical desires covered, striving to break down the barriers through music.

  • Musical Collaborations

    MusiChien explores new musical horizons through collaborations with other musicians, dancers, and artists, as well as scientists, educators, and AI-based violin learning projects like the Violin GPT project.

  • Wolf Dance

    Fancy a unique performance? Watch Musichien bust a move with a mesmerizing wolf dance that's sure to captivate.

  • Personalized Performances

    I passionately explore the charm of any stage, embracing the allure of every venue. For instance, during the challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic, I organized house concerts. Additionally, drawing inspiration from Boccaccio's novel, I initiated the Decameron Project?a musical journey that brought together people seeking refuge from the Black Plague.

  • Kid-Friendly Fun

    I'm not just about the serious stuff. If you have little ones, I'll orchestrate playful musical adventures for them, creating delightful memories.

  • Surprise Pop-up Performances

    MusiChien humbly plays music amidst nature, offering spontaneous, globe-trotting performances that can occur in unexpected places and at any moment. For example, every summer, you can find MusiChien venturing to the summit of Bonaventure Island's Northern Gannet Colony, serenading the birds. It's not uncommon to witness MusiChien performing in the midst of the sea when the tides turn and Perce Rock becomes part of the mainland. And don't be surprised if you come across Wolf playing the violin deep within the remote Rocky Mountains where no one else dares to tread. After all, it's MusiChien!

  • 0

    Blown Kiss
  • 0

    Wolfish Warm Embrace
  • 0

    Furry Friend's Fuzzy Caress
  • 0

    Drinked Pepsi

Latest News

  • We have a saying where I come from: Ko pjeva zlo ne misli. He who sings means well. We have another saying: Vuk dlaku mijenja ali ?ud ne. The wolf's pelt changes, but his nature stays the same. Proverbs like these have been passed on for generations in order to instruct people about the intricacies of human nature: song is good, wolf is bad. Wolf is always bad, regardless of the colour of his pelt, and, if the proverb is taken to its logical conclusion, wolf neither sings nor harbours good intentions. Violin tucked under his furry chin And yet, there is a yellow-eyed wolf who makes the rounds of the Montreal Metro, violin in hand, offering the comfort of music to the crowds of humans, mingling the melodies of Bach and Chopin with the roar of the passing trains and the familiar voice of Michele Deslauriers: Attention a tous les passagers. Il y a un ralentissement de service sur la ligne (and you pause, frozen in suspense, hoping not to learn, as you invariably will, that it is, indeed, your line. Again.) He is a white wolf, finely dressed in a green corduroy jacket and burgundy trousers, as if he has just stepped off a classical stage. His large eyes gleam with sincerity and a touch of sadness. In the wolf's hands, the violin sobs and sighs and laughs and sings. Passersby stop to listen ? mesmerized, it seems, as much by the music as by the surreal spectacle: a wolf in shiny Oxford shoes, with a violin tucked under his furry chin!

    As it happens, he is a resident of Montreal, not an animal spirit, and like many of the city's inhabitants, he comes from a place far away. He has been playing the violin since he was seven years old. In his homeland, the instrument alleviated years of compulsory military service. As he explains over spinach soup and a slice of quiche, he successfully auditioned for the army orchestra and served his time by playing classical music for presidents, ministers and visiting foreign dignitaries. Nor is he a stranger to concert halls. The idea to play in the Metro came to him from a 1994 film, Le joueur de violon, in which a successful concert musician abandons the stage and the spotlight to play, instead, for the people in the Paris Metro. For our wolf violinist, who wishes to remain anonymous, this is a way of sharing beauty with and expressing gratitude to his adoptive town.

  • classiques, dont du Chopinet du Bach. Au debut, jouer dans lemetro ne devait etre qu'unesimple demarche creative,mais sa premiere experiencea completement change sonrapportala musique. Une fois qu'on a croise sonpassage, une question noustrotte inevitablement dans latete : pourquoi un masque dechien? ,declareinstinctivement le violonistequi a demande de garderl'anonymat. < Je me suis installe a Lu-cien-L'Allier, puis j'ai com-mence a jouer. Au debut jen'avais meme pas ouvertmon coffre pour la mon-naie, mais les passants sesont mis a mettre leurs sousau sol>, raconte le musicienencore surpris de l'interetque les passants lui ont ac-corde. Proximite avec le public , poursuit le Musi-chien en indiquant que cemasque lui permet d'ajouterune vision ludique a sa mu-sique. Et ca marche, puisqueselon ses dires, ce masque ge-nere deux reactions : la sur-prise ou le rire. Dans tous lescas, les gens posent un nou-veau regard a sa musique cequi est synonyme pour lui dereussite. Experimentation Sous sa reelle identite, lechien violoniste cumule lesconcerts et les albums demusique classique,mais danstoute sa carriere,jamais iln'avait connu une telle com-munication avec le public. Ce masque lui permet ega-lement de dissimuler sa ve-ritable identite, lui qui jouehabituellement dans dessalles, mais c'est principale-ment pour le cote amusantq?'il cede saplace a celui qu'ilappelle le Chien violoniste. , affirme le Musichienen se rappelant une femmequi retenait ses larmes telle-mentelle etait emue de le voirjouer. C'est pour cette proxi-mite qu'il apprecie etre dansle metro. ,souligne le Musichienqui se promene de stationmois en jouant plusieurs comparable.> Un violoniste dans le metro fait parler de lui avec sa tete de chien.

  • La Musichien de Montreal a fait un don de 1000 dollars a l'Obiora Ensemble. Ce don sera utilise pour promouvoir des musiciens issus de divers milieux culturels, afin d'accroitre leur representation sur la scene de la musique classique et de programmer des ©«uvres negligees par des compositeurs de couleur. Musichien est le violoniste-loup. Sa musique apporte une grande joie a de nombreuses personnes. Sa passion et son talent ont ete une source d'inspiration pour la communaute locale. Ce don devrait contribuer a atteindre les objectifs de l'Obiora Ensemble en matiere de diversite et d'expression culturelle. Photo : Musichien et Allison Migeon, co-fondatrice et directrice executive de l'Obiora Ensemble, se tenant par la main et echangeant le don.

Howl at Musichien

Chat with Wolf AI

Have a howling good time chatting with our friendly AI wolf, Wolf AI! Feel free to ask anything or just say hello.

Wolf AI's Responses:

Responses may include wolfish wisdom!